Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cover Reveal

With His to Have due to release next month, I thought I'd throw a snippet your way. Let's see if you can tell me whose line this is...

Pushing the hem of her shirt upward, he licked his tongue into the dip of her belly button. "I don't know, belleza. I kind of like you being bound." Rising up to meet her gaze, his eyes full of lust. "Gives me the chance to do whatever I want to you."

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sharing the Outraged! Paranormal Romance Rocks!

Here I am reading one of my favorite authors (and blogger) and my jaw drops down. I can't believe what her former schoolmate had to say. I find her (the schoolmate's) remarks highly offensive and I say hats off to the "Mad Woman With A Magical Sword" for making a statement.

A Mad Woman With A Magical Sword: Joan Wilder? Ze Joan Wilder? The Romance Novelist?...: I know you're probably reading this blog topic there and wondering what the hell I'm talking about but bear with me a mo... A f...